dye factories ordered to close


Seven wash and dye factories in Dhaka, Bangladesh have been ordered to stop dumping into the Buriganga River, or close.


Their electricity was cut off, then restored for a three-month grace period.


Last year, a giant factory explosion in China killed hundreds and was barely reported. It was first said their product was fertilizer. In fact, it was a dye component. Workers at nearby, and distant factories recorded it happening. The video was obviously edited together and posted to YouTube very fast. Reports focused on dye price chaos, not the vague casualty under-reports and the entire incident, which has gone almost unnoticed in the Rana Plaza type focus groups.

Fast Fashion and over-consumption is the problem. Globalization created Fast Fashion. It’s a disaster.


No one wants your cheap, old clothes—not even the neediest people on Earth. “Fast Fashion is Creating an Environmental Crisis” , Newsweek